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Aloe Soothing Gel - Summer Skincare

The weather in summer is not really delightful to use the skincare products along with the recommended steps from the beauty land; toner - essence - eye cream - lotion - cream.... Too hot with too much humidity and surely we tend to be lazy on the skincare under the hotness. If you are the person who have ever used the aloe soothing-gel products in summer you can't overcome not to skip the skincare steps but use only the soothing gel product as your skincare.

Today we pick up the most popular soothing gel products of Korean road shop brands and compare their prices, volumes, and functions each other. The result of the comparison would be very below of this posting.

Let's get started!

The package design of Holika Holika is overwhelmingly outstanding, like the aloe shape and the other soothing gel products have the typical cream case and tube types. Comparing the product volumes and prices of them, Nature Republic soothing gel has the most cost saving item.

Additionally Holika Holika cap is well designed so that the gel in the package is not fallen at all even when the cap is heading to the down side with opened. The Face Shop product has the small holder on the side-lid in which you can easily open the lid for using the gel.

Applying each soothing gel on the hand and after 10 seconds later dropped the small styrofoam balls on it to see how many balls would be stick on it. Less balls on Holika Holika and Innsfree gels and much balls on Nature Republic and The Face Shop.

Self-made Aloe soothing gel pack to attach it on the sensitive skin part after the activity from the strong UV rays. The soothing gel pack by Holika Holika rapidly makes the skin sooth and cool down.

Here is the tip how to make Aloe soothing gel pack. Apply the gel on the thin and wide cotton pad by brush and attach it on your skin.

Going forward, we also check the texture and the coolness of each product. Depending on your preference of the gel-types, you can try either water or thicken aloe gel product. The Face Shop aloe soothing gel has the best cooling function.

Lastly, we check the degree of the moisture each product. As you see the below images, The Face Shop soothing gel has the highest moisture number.

Based on the tests above, the editor's final choice would be the aloe soothing gel from Holika Holika as the rank #1.

The Origin

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